
October 9, 2015

Welcome - My Final Farm Girl Vintage Block

Hello, Friends!

Today I'm going to wrap up my Farm Girl Vintage series
with the beautiful block called Welcome.

If you have the Farm Girl Vintage book,
you will know that this is not the "last block" in the book.
They are listed in alphabetical order,
and there are a few more blocks after this one.

I decided to make this block last,
because it looked so much easier to construct
I figured I would finish with a quick and easy block.

{Insert uncontrollable giggles here.}

Well...for some reason,
I found this block to be kind of difficult to make.
I enjoyed stitching it, but, when I measured
my finished block, it was about 1/4" too big!!!

I just couldn't cut off those tips and be happy.
I thought and thought about it, but...that would not work for me!
So there was only one thing left to do...
make another block.

This time I paid careful attention to the size
of each unit within the block.
I measured and trimmed,
and I noticed that my piecing was not as good
as I thought, along the way.
There was a bit of crookedness here and there.

Even this time, being soooo careful,
my new block had some seams that didn't line up perfectly.

That's okay...I really loved my new combination
of fabrics, and I learned how to be more precise along the way.
In the end, my new block was just about the perfect size.

Guess what I found,
literally the day after I finished this block!

{You'll never guess...I'll have to tell you.}

I saw a post at Fig Tree Quilts, featuring this awesome,
brilliant, sweet pattern, made up from this same block!
This pattern was being featured as Fig Tree Quilts is bringing back
some of their most popular fabrics, in Strawberry Fields Revisited.


Star Crossed Pattern by Fig Tree Quilts

I really love the way people create new projects using
genuine vintage-style blocks that have been around
for generations.

The finished block is the same...
but there have been so many creative minds
working to make this block their own way, their own style,
for their own life and family.
That is the appeal that quilting has for me!

Now that I've practiced this lovely block...
no matter what it's called...
I hope to make more of them.
I think I'll make this slightly super-sized one
into one of the Farm Girl Vintage pot holders.

It will be a pleasant way to remember the Farm Girl Vintage sew along.

October 5, 2015

More Farm Girl Vintage Blocks...Winter Star and Wooly Sheep

The Farm Girl Vintage sew along
is almost finished.
All over blogland, people are posting
their progress and finishing their quilts!
It's been sew exciting, hasn't it?

Today I'm sharing two more of my blocks.
In the true spirit of "nearly finished"
may I present my Wooly Sheep block?

{I have not yet embroidered the skinny little legs.}

I decided to make my lamb grey and white.
I love his sweet little gingham face.
And that little tail is hilarious!

He is just so fluffy and chubby looking!

I am really fond of the grassy green that I used,
one of the last bits of that piece from
Fresh Air, by American Jane.

I think a whole flock of these would be an adorable
baby quilt - for either a boy or a girl.
Counting sheep puts little ones to sleep!

The other block is quite different...
a touch of elegance called Winter Star.
I used the same gray print for the sheep body,
in the inner star points, but it's got a whole new vibe.

I am truly in love with this beauty!
I enjoyed making it, every step of the way.

It was a bit of a challenge to line up
the little pieces just right.

I think the colors are just right for wintertime...
icy blue, frosty white, and cardinal red.

This is definitely one of my favorite blocks
from the book...but when I take them all out to create my quilt,
I'm sure I'll find lots more "favorites" all over again.

Come back soon to see my last Farm Girl Vintage block!