
May 3, 2013

Divided Baskets

Have you ever thought to yourself,
"What a great idea, and it's so simple
that I could have come up with it on my own!"

Well...this is NOT one of those times!

When I finished making my first
I was kind of shocked that it really worked!

{That's what a genius Anna is!}

Before I ever began cutting and sewing,
I read the pattern through...
about 6 times...
trying to imagine how this was going to happen.

Oh, I knew it would turn out great somehow,
because there was all kinds of proof on the internet.
and every one of them had success in a huge way.
Read the Noodlehead post for more examples.

{This one is by Lindsay of LRStitched.}

Source:  Noodlehead blog

I finally realized that this basket is not something
that is turned right-side-out at the very end.
There is a much more elegant and stress-free method
to create these baskets,
without the need to perform what amounts to a C-section,
in order to produce a finished basket.

I just plain followed the directions,
and at the end, I was rewarded with a lovely basket.

I am so pleased with my choices of fabrics
for my first divided basket.
I combined unrelated fabrics,
within a gray and yellow color palette.

It looks like the signature style of Susie's Sunroom, doesn't it?

The outside fabrics are home dec prints.
They give the basket a nice amount of sturdiness
and a pretty shape.
I found the text print at
and I love the way it looks with a remnant
in yellow and gray that I picked up at JoAnn.

For the interior,
I think this Amy Butler print from Midwest Modern
is just right.

Now that my test drive was a big success,
I had the nerve to cut into a set of fabrics that I've been keeping
for just the perfect pattern.

I put together for a Fat Quarter Shop contest?

My prints remind me of a picnic in the meadow...
and obviously for any picnic, you're gonna need a BASKET.

I am happy to report that this little picnic basket
translated directly from my imagination
into my real world.

The gingham pocket is so charming against
the field of gray mushrooms.

Inside, the Gypsy Girl animal print is light and playful.

I still can't get over how clever this design is!
Even though I used quilting weight cottons this time,
the basket still has enough soft support to keep its shape.
The recommended interfacing does the trick!

There is room for creativity with this pattern,
in the print selection and placement.
It can be sewn with, or without,
a front pocket.

My favorite features are the little carrying handles.
I'm going to use my basket all summer long
on our deck, for holding napkins, plates, and other picnic items.

For those of you who have also made these baskets...
has anyone got tips on how to mail them inexpensively???
Please feel free to send me your advice.
I would love to make more to sell or send as gifts,
but am not quite sure how to package them.

I think I see many more baskets in my future.

Be sure to share your Across the Pond Sew Along
baskets for May, on the Flickr page!
There is lots of great inspiration over there!


  1. Super gorgeous fabric choices in BOTH baskets! I bought the pattern a few weeks back and just couldn't start it after reading it over but I will look at it with fresh eyes again and make one too!!!

  2. Fantastic baskets! Fun idea. That grey and yellow is wonderful!!

  3. Both looks awesome! It really seems like great pattern.

  4. Your baskets are wonderful!!

  5. I love how your baskets turned out! This is one of my favorite basket patterns and now that I've made one for somebody else, I think I need one of my own!

  6. You have the BEST eye for fabric combinations!!

  7. I would imagine that if you squashed it flat for shipping, the recipient could dampen it slightly, fill it with a pair of rolled up towels, and let it air dry, and it would reshape? I'd be interested to hear what you find out.

  8. Both the bags you made are gorgeous, I love your fabric combinations!!

  9. They are really great. I'm about to embark on making some of these. Any tips/advice? Was the first one canvas? Did that work out more sturdy? I love your combinations of fabrics. That blue and white one in the second basket is just so unique!

  10. LOVE LOVE LOVE your baskets!! I have this pattern and am so excited to make one. And you are right...the fabric bundle you picked out (which I STILL love after allt his time!) made the PERFECT basket!! Thanks for always being so full of inspiration!

  11. Those turned out so adorable and the fabrics are just perfect!!! your sewing looks so impeccable too! beautiful job!!!

  12. WOw! Amy I really liked that yellow and gray combo but you brought it home with the classic picnic gingham assortment just beeee-autiful! Great job. I am not afraid of baskets they don't have zippers! LOl Great job!


I look forward to your comments and will read each and every one, even if I am not able to reply to all of them.