
May 14, 2013

Ode to Jodi...and a Shout-Out to Alie

Way back when I first discovered
such a thing as a blog,
I really loved reading one called
Simply This That and The Other.
Later it evolved into the blog
and to this day, I break into a big smile
every time I see a new post has been published.

Jodi always shows big, beautiful photos on her blog.
My favorites are sewing related, but
she also features scenic wonders
and small-town sights that make me love America.

and I try to put as many of them to use as I can
with my little point-and-shoot camera.
There are great tips for lighting and backgrounds.

This photo made Explore on Flickr!

The single most important thing I learned is to make my photos
x-large on Blogger.

Here's an example...
this one is medium...the default when it's added to Blogger.

Pretty, right?
Here's the same photo, but made x-large.

{I rest my case.}

And then there are the tutorials...
there are loads of them that I keep going back to...
the funky pinwheel table runner...

and the heart mug rug are my faves so far!

If you are interested in learning more about photography,
you might enjoy the advice from this article,
"10 Cool Photo Projects."

Another feature that I always loved about Jodi's blog
was when she would provide a link to new-to-me blogs that
she had discovered.

I'd like to emulate my role model today,
and point you in the direction of a sweet new-ish blog
called Alie Makes.

Alie is a fascinating individual with a knack for explaining.
You can tell by her tutorials that she's
going to be a fabulous teacher,
when she graduates.

Head on over to discover Alie's posts,
and you'll find that she's got a great giveaway going on
right now!!!

{You won't be sorry you got to know Alie!}


  1. I just love your blogs - they are full of wonderful photos and lots of really useful links. I am not surprised your basket made it onto Flickr's Explore. It'll be the gingham!!!

  2. Speechless. Thank you so much for the shout out!! You've made my day! Also, thanks for pointing me in the direction of Jodi's blog.

  3. I have always loved Pleasant Home too, but I didn't realize she had so many photography tips. Thank you for sharing that. And I love the idea of introducing new bloggers to the rest of the quilting community. You have a big heart Amy! I'll be heading over to Alie's blog next.
    Julie @ The Crafty Quilter

  4. I have loved Jodi's blog for years as well. I'll have to check out Alie's.

  5. Goodness... Thanks Amy! I'm completely flattered. Thanks so much for the kind words. I miss doing my Needle little Inspiration posts. I'm hopping over to Alie's right now. ooxx`jodi

  6. I am lucky to have my talented sister as a mentor!
    I have loved Jodi's blog...learning about it through you!


  7. Lovely blogs, thank you for sharing them. I am loving visiting your blog too by the way!! Wendy

  8. You do take great photos. My fabric came for making the baskets from Noodlehead. Now, to make time to make them! LOL. I used to do big photos on my blog, but lately when I make them big, the narrow middle column is cutting off part of the photo. I haven't figured out how to resolve it. So, I've kept them smaller. :-(

  9. Thanks for pointing in the direction of other lovely blogs! And your baskets are absolutely great!!!


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