
May 23, 2013

Postage Stamp Basket Blocks

I have a "thing" for baskets...
and another "thing" for pincushions.

Here's one way I took care of both of those "things."

The May theme for the Across The Pond Sew Along
is BASKETS, and I must confess I had a head-start making mine.
Look at this stack of blocks that I made
a long time ago...

I started with a whole bunch of 5" squares of fabrics
from a Thimbleberries club hosted by a shop that no longer exists.

These days I gravitate toward brighter, more modern fabrics,
but I'm still deeply in love with
these little basket blocks.

Even the name is cute...Postage Stamp Baskets!
In 1976 the USA celebrated its bicentennial,
and interest in quilting and other colonial arts 
experienced a revival.
Eighteen months after the Bicentennial
a 13-cent stamp was issued,
honoring the quilters of America.

{Yes...13 cents...tells you how long ago that happened!}

Years later, Alex Anderson featured this quilt block
on her show Simply Quilts, seen  on HGTV in the 1990's.
That's when I learned to make this block.

You can find Alex's updated video tutorial today
on The Quilt Show website!

A few years ago, I actually assembled
my black and tan basket blocks into this little table topper.

{Did I ever tell you how much I love quilts that are set on point?}

I was just learning to stipple quilt when I made this one,
and it's slightly embarrassing,
yet endearing at the same time.

{I had tension issues...but that's okay.}

My points are cut off more often than not.
When that happens,
I always claim that I did that on purpose,
to make it "primitive".


{I'm going to make up a word for it...primitize.
Say it with me:  I primitized my quilt.}

I've got a second mini-quilt top made,
 this one in shades of green and red.

Won't this be pretty for Christmas?

{Maybe this Christmas???}

Oh.My. This one is really primitized!

I've still got a basketful of basket blocks left...
so I stitched up a few into those primitive pincushions
I mentioned above.

I paired them up with a coordinating 4-patch, for the back.

They are so simple...just stitched together,
with an opening for turning.
Here's how they looked when I turned them right-side-out and
gave them a nice pressing with the iron.

I just added a bit of stuffing and stitched them closed.

I still have a whole bunch left...

What should I make???
More pincushions?

Or use the rest in one more super-scrappy, primitized quilt?

{Now accepting: free advice.}


  1. All your basket blocks are beautiful Amy, I love the pincushions and the quilts. Cute new word, primitized, I will have to remember that as my points go missing too!

  2. As you know - I love primitizing things (is that even a word)! Your baskets are so sweet and I love the coasters. I made Susie one this month using a small paper-pieced pattern - we must get her to show it.

  3. Your coasters became pin cushions I know, but they looked equally good as coasters first!

  4. Do you know anyone in need of a doll baby quilt? A cushion would be lovely. In the border of a scrappy quilt? Place mats. On a tote. I like them, that is my final word!!

  5. For some reason I am seeing a bunting ????? Though I do love pin cushions !

  6. I love your basket blocks and I think a table runner would look great with the left overs! I have many primitized projects, Amy. Thank you for making it sound so "chic"!
    Julie @ The Crafty Quilter

  7. You could make a table runner or centerpiece with those lovely little baskets, I think that would look nice. I love your quilt and also love the fact that it is okay if it isn't perfect. I think it makes it better, more real and loved. Nice job.

  8. You are very creative with words AND fabric! Your post made me LOL!!!
    ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com

  9. So cute! What a great little block! Alas, another block to add to my list...

  10. Primitize. I love it. I think these would make the cutest picnic quilt.


I look forward to your comments and will read each and every one, even if I am not able to reply to all of them.