
July 3, 2013

Happy Birthday, America!

Happy 4th of July!

Today I'm sharing a few of my favorite
things that represent the good ol' USA...

Baseball hs been called America's favorite pasttime.

These photos are from last year,
but I really love them.

I'm going to miss baseball, now that the local league's season has ended!

{Good thing the Pirates play all season.}

Another thing Americans love is cooking out in the summertime.
I found some cute little bowls at Target,
just right for serving hot dog and hamburger condiments.

{My sister Susie hand-painted the details on the tray!}

We're going to a picnic,
and I'm bringing a Chocolate Bundt Cake.
I got the recipe from
and I'll share it with you!

{It's sooooo easy!}


Chocolate cake mix - 2-layer size
3-oz. package instant chocolate pudding mix
1 3/4 cup milk
2 eggs
12-oz. package chocolate chips

Mix all ingredients by hand, just to blend, in a large mixing bowl.
Pour the batter into a greased bundt pan.
Bake 50 minutes at 350 degrees.
When the cake has cooled, invert it onto the serving plate.

I put together a glaze, made with 1 cup of powdered sugar,
3 Tbsp. of cocoa powder, and about 2 -3 Tbsp. milk.
I drizzled the top of the cake with the glaze.


Happy Birthday, America...
God Bless the USA!


  1. Happy 4th of July!! Yum to chocolate!!

  2. 4th of July means firework to me, lol. I'm glad I visited D.C. to see it myself. I can't beleive it's been 14 years ago. Enjoy your day!

  3. Happy 4th to you and your family! Your photos are so pretty!!


  4. These photos are stellar! That chocolate bundt cake looks just great. I'm going to try one to take to my retreat with the girls in a week or so! Thanks!

  5. Awesome photo's Amy!! And I hope your 4th was full of great things! Our internet has been down, so today is the first day back in cyber world in the last two days. :) Thanks for the cake recipe! I will definitely try that out!

  6. Very nice!

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