
July 28, 2013

Winner of the Christmas Tree Topiary Pillow Kit

Maybe you recall...
when I introduced my free tutorial for
I also offered a giveaway.

To enter, I only asked for a favorite
type of Christmas cookie.
I got hungry reading all of those comments.
It looks like Shortbread cookies are very very popular,
especially at Christmastime.

{These are my own Spritz cookies...they kind of taste like shortbread, right?}

I did a random number generator thingy
to select my winner...
lucky #27 prefers fudge over any cookie.
She suggested it could be shaped,
to make it LOOK like a cookie.

Great idea, right?
I'm sending out the prize kit to Shawn,
and I bet she'll use that imagination,
to make something really super special for Christmas!

In the little kit,
I've included everything I could think of,
so Shawn can make up her own Christmas Tree Topiary pillow.

There's all kinds of fusible stuff here:  fleece,
interfacing, and webbing.

Fabrics are from several different lines...
Glace by 3 Sisters, Joy by Kate Spain,
and Cherry Christmas by Aneela Hoey,
all for Moda.

There's even a bright red zipper, for the backing. PILLOW!
I'm tucking in a gift card for JoAnn's,
and at least Shawn should be able to order a pillow form
online, if there is no store nearby.

Have fun, Shawn...
and thanks to all the rest who played along!

{If you didn't win, you can still make your own pillows using my tutorial.
There's plenty of time!}

Merry Christmas in July!


  1. Congratulations to Shawn - I am sure she will create something unique!!

  2. Congratulations to Shawn....Enjoy your wonderful win.

  3. Shawn is a lucky gal!! I will definitely be making this pillow before Christmas! I totally love it!

  4. Thank you everyone for the congrats and thank * you * Amy for the great pattern and tutorial and everything else. Is it to early to say Merry Christmas, I just sort of got into the spirit. heheha

    (smjohns63 at yahoo dot com)


I look forward to your comments and will read each and every one, even if I am not able to reply to all of them.