
August 29, 2013

Christmas Pinwheels

As another month came to a close,
I found myself hustling
to make something else for our
as well as for my monthly Christmas project.

Christmas Pinwheels count for both!

While I was researching
ideas for the Pinwheel theme for August's
Across The Pond Sew Along, I came across this block.

It's called Flying Kite fun!

I found an error in this PDF for the block,
plus I didn't want my block to be as large,
so I decided to draft my own version.

I used some of my red/white/blue repro 30's prints,
as I'd done in my Daisy Pinwheel block.
These were my first efforts...
I love this one, but the points were too close to the edges!

Back to the drawing board!
This time I got the points right, but the blue triangle size was a bit off.

The third time was the charm, using my Cherry Christmas prints.
My method of making this block results
in a pair of blocks that are mirror images.
See how they spin in opposite directions?

{Oh, never's dizzying to figure that out!}

All it took was a wee bit of quilting to convert the 8 1/2" blocks
into a pair of pretty mug rugs for Christmas.

{Note to self:  Points on the edges will be hidden under binding.}

for Machine Binding, and it was a quick finish.

Here's the back of the red one.

Here's the green one, on the back.

And now I've got some cute mug rugs,
ready for Christmas cocoa and cookies...
when the time comes.

Have you made any pinwheels this month?
It's never too late!
Show off your finishes at the Across The Pond Flickr group.


  1. Amy they are really cute! I'm afraid I won't squeeze my pinwheels in this month but it'll eventually come, lol.

  2. More pretty pinwheels! The red and green version is my favorite. I have a stack of those colors that I have been saving (hoarding) for a Christmas quilt using a Fig Tree pattern. Someday... Maybe in the meantime I should make some mug rugs!
    Julie @ The Crafty Quilter

  3. I love this pinwheel in a mug rug!! They are delightful!


  4. So so cute! Love the fabrics and of course, the dots!!

  5. Bring on Christmas is all I can say....especially when one's hot chocolate filled mug is resting on such a pretty pinwheel mug rug!!

  6. Your Christmas mug rugs are so pretty, love the fabrics and the gorgeous pinwheels!!

  7. I so wanted to get a pinwheel done this month !!!!!! But I've been painting and knitting and crocheting ... I will get there though!!
    Beautiful job!

  8. Looks like you are prepared, Amy! The mug rugs look great!
    I'm always amazed at how much better I get each time I make a block. Practice really does make better!

  9. I am so bummed I didn't get any pinwheels done. Pinwheels are actually one of my all time favorites! I absolutely LOVE what you've done though! So...I live my pinwheel dreams through you for now. :)


I look forward to your comments and will read each and every one, even if I am not able to reply to all of them.