
September 9, 2013

Mini Design Boards

Lately there has not been a whole lot
of time for sewing at my house.
When I can't sew, I THINK about sewing.

{I call it research.}

Photo from The Graphics Fairy
and she showed us how to make her adorable
Mini Design Boards.

Even in my little house, I've got space for these!
I got busy and made myself 6 of them!

It really rang true when I heard Lori Holt say
that most mistakes made during block assembly,
happen between the ironing board
and the sewing machine.

I'm hoping these organizing boards will cut down on my errors
in that department!

I had fun picking out some favorite fabrics for the edges.

Lori's method of trimming the raw edges with fabric
is really fun and easy,
with super-cute results!

If you're not a fan if videos,
there is a post with the same tutorial,
found here on the Bee In My Bonnet blog.

I followed the tutorial exactly as it was described,
and I have just one additional suggestion:
Keep a bowl of ice water handy,
for when you can't resist trying to get those corners
nice and neat.  Ouch!  That glue is hot!!!

{Oh, who's gonna notice that the edges are not quite perfect?  Just have fun!}


  1. I've been wanting to make some of these too and yours are so cute!

  2. I have been wondering if mini-versions exist and now I know LOL! I have no space whatsoever to have a large one, but these would be perfect for me. Thanks so much for sharing :) Cindy

  3. Design boards seem to be the talk of the town lately... These look like fun!

    Thanks for doing the "research" !! i love researching !

  4. These look great Amy and would be sew handy!! Off to check out the tutorial now!

  5. I've been eying those design boards too! Really cute and seriously a great tool for keeping things organized. Maybe someday...
    Julie @ The Crafty Quilter

  6. They look so pretty! You can easily store them away when not in use, too!



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