Hello, Friends!
Today I'll wrap up my story about my
Quilts, actually.
I loved this one so much that I made it twice.
You can read about the first quilt here,
and the second one here.
Do you love chain piecing?
{Thank you, Eleanor Burns, for teaching me how!
My mom doesn't even sew, but she went with me to a
Log Cabin Quilt in a Day class when I was in college.
To this day, I use lots of the information I learned from that class!}
To this day, I use lots of the information I learned from that class!}
Here's the heap of Dresden blades I made,
using chain piecing.
Never fear...here's how they look when they're untangled!
Here's my happy place...
stitching the prepared blades into pairs.
The plates look positively yummy in a stack.
They're super sweet when they're fanned out, too.
Each plate represented one calendar month.
Fortunately they don't take nearly a month to create!
I fussy cut the center circles, to show off the theme for each month.
My sewing machine has a great blanket stitch
for the applique step.
I chose to use neutral thread for every block.
I hope I'll make another Dresden quilt someday...
if only to take the glamour shots using a pretty cake plate!
I think that's my favorite subject to photograph!
If you liked this quilt, you might also enjoy
the post about my Winter Dresden Quilt being stitched together...
Stop by again any time!