
August 31, 2016

Reproduction of a Reproduction Quilt - Part 2

Hello, Friends!

Today I'll wrap up my story about my 
Quilts, actually.

I loved this one so much that I made it twice.

You can read about the first quilt here,

Do you love chain piecing?

{Thank you, Eleanor Burns, for teaching me how!
My mom doesn't even sew, but she went with me to a
Log Cabin Quilt in a Day class when I was in college.
To this day, I use lots of the information I learned from that class!}

Here's the heap of Dresden blades I made,
using chain piecing.

Never's how they look when they're untangled!

Here's my happy place...
stitching the prepared blades into pairs.

The plates look positively yummy in a stack.

They're super sweet when they're fanned out, too.
Each plate represented one calendar month.
Fortunately they don't take nearly a month to create!

I fussy cut the center circles, to show off the theme for each month.

My sewing machine has a great blanket stitch
for the applique step.
I chose to use neutral thread for every block.

I hope I'll make another Dresden quilt someday...
if only to take the glamour shots using a pretty cake plate!

I think that's my favorite subject to photograph!

If you liked this quilt, you might also enjoy

and the post about the finished Winter Dresden Quilt.

Stop by again any time!

August 27, 2016

Reproduction of a Reproduction Quilt - Part 1

Hello, Friends!

Today I'm sharing a story
about a quilt I made a long time ago,
relatively speaking...back in 2003...
using reproduction fabrics called
Aunt Grace Through the Year.

and one of my readers contacted me to ask
if I could reproduce my own quilt for her.
She had all of the required fabrics...
she'd saved them with the intent of making her own quilt.
She decided she would love to have me create a new quilt for her
just like the one I'd shown on my blog.

I agreed to this arrangement,
because I really loved making this quilt the first time around.
Having those exact prints available
made it scavenger hunting to find OOP and rare fabrics.

This was an unusual challenge...
I had a few things to overcome, as I made this version.


I didn't have a pattern for my first Aunt Grace quilt!
It took some "trial and error", but
eventually I was able to make my template
for the little Dresden plates,
so that they would finish at the proper size.


My first quilt was me.
Initially, we had agreed that I would hand-quilt
this one as well.
Oh, boy...what a difference 13 years makes!
I tried to hand-quilt this, but I seem to have
lost my knack somehow!


I looked at the 2003 quilt and could barely
believe that I'd done all of that quilting by hand.

Now, in 2016...I couldn't seem to get that needle through all of the layers,
no matter what tools and needles I tried.

There had to be a solution...
here I was with this nice quilt top,
and it just cried out for me to machine quilt it.

We agreed to this drastic change in plans...
and in practically no time, 
I was finished with the machine quilting.

I have to say that I can't decide which one I love most.

The hand-quilted one is wonderful for sentimental reasons.
It reminds me of a place in my creativity where I used to be...
and will probably not be able to visit again,
except through projects like this one.

I get an equivalent sense of pride from the newer,
machine-quilted one.
Thirteen years ago, I could never have made THIS one.

I'm happy that my friend Kathy reached out to me,
to see if I might travel back in time
to recreate a quilt I've loved for a long time.
It was super sweet of her to let me
put a little bit of 2016 into this reproduction quilt, too!

I plan to put up another post soon,
with some photos of the making of the new version.
I think you'll enjoy's a taste!

August 10, 2016

Norway Mini Quilt

Hello, Friends!
While I'm waiting for my hand to mend,
I'd like to share a project that I had made earlier this summer.
It's a mini quilt,

Photo credit: Thimbleblossoms Big Cartel shop

It came with everything I needed.
In fact, aside from the background, there was enough fabric
left over to make another one!

Photo credit: Connecting Threads website

This kit is still on sale, and if you need a little pick-me-up,
I highly recommend this fun kit.
I enjoyed practicing some free motion quilting.

All the small pieces present a bit of a challenge,
but that made it a great opportunity
to sharpen my sewing skills.

I love Nordic themed projects
that can be used for Christmastime
and beyond.

It feels great to have my Norway mini quilt
all ready for winter decorating!