
September 15, 2012

Farewell to the Zakka Sew Along

If you've been reading my blog for any length of time, 
you've already seen just how much fun I've been having 

{A big thank-you goes to Amy and Lindsey for making this event
an outstanding success!}

I've been reflecting on this event, and I must admit that
I'll be relieved not to have a due-date each week
for a project that I've never made before in my life!

Having said that, though, I made several projects NOW, rather than SOMEDAY,
or NEVER...because of the deadlines and the wonderful prize opportunities!

{I almost skipped this week's project...there are other things I should be doing.}

But I gave myself a little pep talk last night and convinced myself
to get started on this week's project...Nesting Boxes.

This project was contributed by

{I've been aware of Laurraine's lovely work for a while via Flickr...
Look at this fantastic classic example of her style!}

Photo from Patchwork Pottery blog
This final project has been a tempting one for me...
I knew I would want to keep the boxes for my own use, so I chose some fabrics that would coordinate with one of my favorite quilts.

{The quilt pattern is Bird Song by Fig Tree Quilts.}


It took some time to cut all of the pieces out,
but it was good to see my favorite prints from Dandelion Girl again!

{I had used a fat quarter bundle to make my quilt, and there were
some nice scraps left.}

I really enjoyed stitching the leaves, though I chose to use fusible web
instead of using the method described in the book.

{Can you see the pretty veins on the leaves?}

I was running out of linen, but I had a nice big piece of Mill House Inn,
also by Fig Tree Quilts, that I liked for the lining.

There were some moments I wished I had not tackled all three boxes!
Yet I love the way they came out. 
They really make me think of September days.

I keep thinking there must be a better way to sew the sides and bottom
together.  I was such a rebel...I actually just stitched mine together by machine, and it's not very neat, but it doesn't really show.

{I never did come up with that "better way" to do it!}

I have no idea what I'm going to put in these little boxes,
but I know they're going to make the stuff look extra pretty!

{That's the best part about zakka style.}

I joined this adventure when my own blog was brand-new,
and I feel that I owe much of the joy of blogging
to this sew along!

I've met so many wonderful people through the linkies and the Flickr group.
We are spreading zakka throughout the world,
making things that are useful AND beautiful!

Visit the Flickr group Zakka Style Sew Along
for more inspiration!


  1. Amy -- Your boxes are so pretty! I love the fabric choices ... as I do on all your projects! :) It certainly has been a fun project. I'll miss seeing the weekly updates, but hope to keep up with what you are doing here. -Cary

  2. They look amazing with your quilt!! Well done :)

  3. Such elegant little boxes! And the perfect touch to coordinate them with your beautiful quilt!

    (Another result of the sew along is that the Sew-Along bloggers and readers are familiar with the word Zakka now!)


  4. Amy, these are so cute and I love the colours you chose. The sew along was so much fun (even though I missed the second half)it's been great to virtually meet people like yourself for great inspiration

  5. The boxes look delightful with the fabric choice and leaves. I wouldn't have known you stitched the bottoms in - I bet it was easier than hand-stitching. I only made the small and medium but I love them. I like Laurraine's work - I have made the tea-cup pouch quite recently. Looking forward to the next sew-along but quite agree - a slower pace is more my 'cup-of-tea'.

  6. oh your boxes look great! I was so close to finishing them by machine as well! ;-/

  7. I love how you have matched these boxes with your quilt and used some precious scraps. Amy I totally agree that this Zakka Style Sew Along has been a great motivator to many of us. Deadlines work well eh?. I still have 4 projects to go but I am determined to finish THIS month. I have enjoyed our little community of makers and hope to stay in touch with you through Flickr and blogs.

  8. Love your boxes! I think there are easier ways to make baskets like this. I eventually did, as I couldn't figure out why this should be done by hand.

  9. PS: it will be lonely without the sew along. It was a wonderful journey (o:

  10. Your trio looks great and I echo your sentiments about the relief of not having another weekend deadline for the SAL. I'm sure I'll fill that void quick.

  11. HI amy,

    Love those boxes. I can see why you would want them for yourself! I have that problem :) And the quilt is so warm in those colors. love the little "home" detail.


I look forward to your comments and will read each and every one, even if I am not able to reply to all of them.