
October 6, 2012

Cathedral Window Pincushions

who continues to be one of my greatest
sources of inspiration in sewing and creating.

{Aunt Ellie showed me how to make these casserole carriers,
for which I've developed a tutorial-style pattern.} 

I'm so blessed to have so many close relatives who inspire 
and encourage me in my projects.
My Uncle Monty...who is married to Aunt Ellie...
is equally supportive.  He actually reads my blog, too!

{Hi, Poppie!}

What could be better than having an aunt like that, right?
Well, I'll tell you what's better...
having a TWIN for that aunt!

My Aunt Sharon was the one who started me on my quilting journey.

Back in the 70's...
{that's the 1970's for you young people}
during the American Bicentennial,
quilting enjoyed a resurgence in this country.
I think that's when Aunt Sharon took up quilting,
and I remember her showing me her appliques
of Sunbonnet Sue

{Mine, but she bears a strong family resemblance to Aunt Sharon's version!}

Photo from Cindy's Antique Quilts blog
and my eternal favorite block...
Cathedral Windows.

Photo from Making Ends Meet Tutorial
Aunt Sharon's stitches sparked something deep inside me,
and quilting is an interest we've shared ever since.

So a few months ago, when I found a tutorial by Kim of My Go-Go Life,
I just had to try one!

This was the first one I made, and it was surprisingly fun!

I used Sherbet Pips prints in red and gray, 
and I just love those cute little pawprints!

{Not so cute in real-life, right?}

Next I made this one, from assorted scraps,
to try out a new-to-me combo...
turquoise and golden yellow!

It matched my perhaps-most-favorite-ever mug rug.

{I even loved the back!}

So when I made my Tea and Cakes mug rug...
I had to try another matching pincushion,
from Dandelion Girl.

I love fussy-cutting the little covered button centers!

And here are some more...are you still with me?
The next one is from the Fig Tree Quilts line
Breakfast at Tiffany's.

{So sorry, but I can't stop making these!!!}

And here's another one...made up of the citrus-y goodness
and lemon-y squeeziness that was
Fresh Squeezed by Sandy Gervais.

Am I weird, the way I pose these pincushions?

{They are such wonderful models...never a complaint from them!}

I have just a few little scraps of the original Aviary prints
by Joel Dewberry...perfect for a tiny pincushion!

I am growing to love orange...all year round!

For this one, I played with more assorted scraps
and colors, with some little peeks of strawberries.

Happy, huh?

Just a few more parting shots...

pretty maids all in a row...

and a Dagwood pincushion sandwich!

 Gotta go make another one now...
for my Cathedral Window muse!

{Love you, Aunt Sharon!  Any requests?}


  1. OH wow, Amy! These are all gorgeous! That's something I haven't made yet. I think I'm going to have to give it a try!

  2. Now that you show us so many beautiful versions, I think this really must be fun. Going to give it a try soon.

  3. They look like perfect little tarts taken out of the oven... in all different flavors! Delicious enough to eat!

    You inspired me to make one so far.... I know where I need to improve, and will be making another one soon.


  4. Your pincushions are so cute, I too had a go and used the same tutorial. I have pics on my blog of the pincushion I made.

  5. WOW!!!! You can really pump those out!!!! They are very pretty!! Thank you so much for sharing.

  6. These are so cute and lovely colour combos. Can't believe how quickly you have made all these!

  7. I've just tried making one and it seems too big for a pincushion! I was thinking of making them flat as coasters instead... Thank you for your beautiful ideas, and the thought of covering a button to match too (although I guess that won't work for a coaster!)


I look forward to your comments and will read each and every one, even if I am not able to reply to all of them.