
April 27, 2013

Copenhagen Pillow Finish

Have you seen the crochet-along
with Lisa over at Cubby House Crafts?

Or perhaps at her sister Jane's blog,

I think I could win a prize for being the one who
started the project first,
and also finished it last!

a long time ago.
In an earlier post, I told the story of my decision
to make this pillow, 
even though I barely know how to crochet.

{It's just too pretty to pass up, isn't it?}

My crocheted panel has been finished for quite a while,
but if you look at the pattern,
you might notice that there are no specific
instructions for making it into a pillow.

{More or less, they recommend stitching the crocheted panel
to a finished neutral pillow.}

That didn't really bother me,
because I've become a bit of an expert on making pillows.
Here's the way I finished mine...

I started out by giving the crocheted panel
a good pressing with the iron.

{Mine was very lumpy and bumpy, but it flattened out easily
with some steam. And yes, it smelled like a wet sheep, for a minute.}

I chose a creamy Bella Solid to back the panel
and create the pillow front.
To give it body, I fused Pellon ShapeFlex 101SF
to the wrong side of the fabric.
Then I stitched the panel onto the fabric,
along the scalloped edging.

{I'm so glad I added the interfacing, because it was quite heavy at that point.}

Next it was time to create the pillow back,

Months ago, I was shopping at JoAnn,
and this piece of fabric caught my eye
making me think of my Copenhagen yarns.
I snagged it, and I really love how it coordinates.

I love me some colorful zippers, too, 
even though they are destined to be covered.
Which one do you think I chose?

It wasn't easy,
but predictably I went with the Caribbean blue,
since I had some fabric in that shade.

After constructing the pillow back,
I trimmed the front and back to the same size,
then stitched them right sides together,
rounding the corners.

{My pillow tutorial starts out a bit oversized, and is trimmed to size at the end.}

Anybody want to guess what I didn't do?

I forgot to leave that zipper partway open for turning!
But I remained calm,
and I managed to get the zipper open by grabbing
the pull, through the fabric layers.

{And no bad words flew out!}

I used an 18" pillow form to fill my
finished Copenhagen Pillow...

I wish I could show you how squeezy and plump it is!

I really enjoyed making this pillow
and seeing the other lovely palettes
from the crochet-along.

I had planned to use mine as part of my autumn home decor,
but it's already bringing a lot of springtime cheer
into the house.

I think I'll leave it on the couch for a long time!


  1. Your cushion looks great and an excellent result for a beginner crocheter (if it wasn't a word it is now!). I have made mine into a blanket - which isn't finished because I didn't run all the ends in as I went and I HATE having to do that when I have finished something!! And it is only half an hours work too!

  2. Great job! Love all the color combinations. Crocheter sounds like a word to me.... :)

  3. You did a super job!! I love the fabric you chose for it too, fits perfect! You will love crocheting! Check out this blog she is so good!

  4. This turned out gorgeous! That was a perfect fabric for the back, too!
    Love it!


  5. Oh I love this, so much so I think I am going to get my crochet hooks out and make one as well. You certainly don't look like you are new to crochet. Good job! Hugs Linda x

  6. Yes I figured you went with the blue !! Great job and I adore the finishing ... And yes I did make the snowflake :-) ... Along with a ridiculous yarn and fabric stash I also have a Swarovski crystal stash too!

  7. It's so beautiful, I love the backing fabric, it's perfect for it. I love how you finished it too!

  8. This is such a gorgeous pillow! It's inspiring me to get my crochet out again. I have lots of finished granny squares but am always confused by how to crochet them together!

  9. OMGosh, beautiful pillow you are the pillow Queen. And you have me addicted to making pillows!

  10. I love it. It turned out great! I want one! I can't crochet. My SIL keeps trying to teach me. I can do some stitches, but I can't actually make anything. LOL. I love this. Your backing fabric is just perfect!

  11. You must keep for yourself this lovely pillow. What a nice back of the pillow! Maybye I'll try once this!


I look forward to your comments and will read each and every one, even if I am not able to reply to all of them.