
October 3, 2013

Craftsy Blogger Awards - Nominations through October 14th!

Nominate me for Craftsy's blogger awards!

Did I shock you?
Is that too brazen, to ask to be nominated
for a Craftsy blogger award?

{ can't hurt!}

Craftsy Blogger Awards -
Nominate me and all your friends to win!

Click here to read all about it.
You can nominate your favorite bloggers
in 8 different categories,
now through October 14th.

Knitting & Crochet
Cake Decorating
Fine Art
Food & Cooking

Within each one of those categories,
there will be awards for each of 3 specialties:

Best Tutorials
Best Photography
Best Craftsy Instructor’s Blog

I can already think of some great bloggers 
I would like to recognize.
Once the nominations are tallied,
I'm hoping to find some great
new-to-me bloggers, too!

Don't forget to read all the details here,
and good luck to everyone...voters and bloggers, alike!


I look forward to your comments and will read each and every one, even if I am not able to reply to all of them.