
October 1, 2013

October Across The Pond Sew Along - Skinny Pincushions!

Have you seen 'em?
Skinny pincushions are popping up
all over the place in blogland!
That's why Susie has chosen
this project as the October theme

Here is Susie's sweet and skinny sample, sitting
snugly beside her stylish sewing machine, in the sunny studio.

{It's soooo Susie.}

Photo from Susie's Sunroom blog
Here's one made by Anna of Noodlehead.
You know it's a great idea,
when Anna's made one.

Photo from Noodlehead blog
I might have to copy Anna's design,
since I've got some beautiful Liberty scraps
left over from my own Liberty Pillow Challenge!

Next I'd like to show you
one made by Leigh Laurel Studios,
that's filled with reptile litter.
If you prefer, you can say the filling is
made from crushed walnuts.

{I don't do reptiles.}

Photo from Leigh Laurel Studios blog
Susie herself is a big fan of this stuffing for pincushions,
but in the form of kitty litter,
because it keeps pins sharpened when you use it!
It also adds weight to the pincushion,
so it won't roll away.
You'll wonder how something so skinny can weigh so much!

Photo from Susie's Sunroom blog
Let's see another skinny little thing,
nicely done by blueSusan Makes.
Head over to her post, and
she'll convince you that you need one, too!

{I love her blue sewing chair, don't you?}

Photo from blueSusan Makes blog
One more source of inspiration,
and then we're off to make our own!
There's a great description of the process
and even a source for emery powder

{That's a more traditional filling for pincushions. No reptiles ever involved.}

Photo from stitchpicky's blog...making two at a time!
There's a sweet tutorial out there,
showing exactly how to make
the Skinny Pincushion
for yourself.

I can't get the image to load,
but you can download the pattern from
by clicking the link provided on their blog.

Why didn't I ever think of such a cute and practical
sewing accessory?
I can really use this, keeping it
right in front of me as I sew little projects.

Join our Flickr pool when you make yours,
and stop back later this month to see my version!

{My mom gave me an idea for a real cutie, and I've got to try it!}


  1. I was wondering what you'll come up with. This is brill! That's where I keep my pincushion if I ever use pins but mine is not skinny, lol. I just need to get some kitty litter and I'm good to go.

  2. I hadn't seen one of these yet, they're brilliant! I have to try it out too. Now I'm curious about yours...

  3. You've got me convinced that I need a skinny pincushion! These are sew cute! And I love the cat litter for filling idea. Multi-purpose!
    Julie @ The Crafty Quilter

  4. I haven't seen these pincushions around until I saw the sister blogs! (you and Susie) :) These are adorable and I can't wait to make one!!

  5. I can do this one! That is so clever I guess due to the stuffing we think of plump pincushions lol!


I look forward to your comments and will read each and every one, even if I am not able to reply to all of them.