
November 25, 2013

Apple Dapple Cake for Across The Pond Sew Along

Remember that I picked APPLES
for this month's Across The Pond Sew Along?

{Okay, I didn't actually pick any apples, but you know what I mean...}

When I chose APPLES,
I planned to share one of my favorite
apple recipes with you,
and now...I give you Apple Dapple Cake.

My grandma gave me this recipe many years ago,
but I never tried it until about 10 years ago.
Now it's one of my favorite cakes in the whole world.

{Sometimes Grandma knew me better than I knew myself.}

I LOVE that I've still got my recipe card, 
handwritten by Grandma herself.
I miss her every day!
Are you ready for some Apple Dapple Cake pictures?

{I can't resist including my Quilty Fun apple blocks!}

Here's all the stuff you need for the cake part.

{There's also a yummy topping that I'll show you how to make.}

I like using my vintage Pyrex bowls
for making old-fashioned goodness in my kitchen.

Look how many apple slices
I got, just from those 4 MacIntosh apples!

Here's the recipe,
so you can try it yourself.
It's very easy to make
and my husband pronounced it DELICIOUS!

Apple Dapple Cake

Cake Ingredients:
4 cups thinly sliced apples
1 cup cooking oil
3 eggs
2 cups sugar
1 tsp. baking soda
2 tsp. cinnamon
3 cups flour
1 tsp. salt
2 tsp. vanilla
Optional:  1 cup chopped nuts

Peel and slice the apples and set them aside.
In a large mixer bowl, combine oil, eggs and sugar.
Add baking soda, cinnamon, flour, salt and vanilla,
and beat until completely blended.  Batter will be thick.
Fold in the sliced apples, mixing into the batter.
Pour the cake batter into a greased 9 x 13" cake pan.

Bake for 45 to 50 minutes at 350 degrees,
until edges are golden brown and a toothpick tests clean.

1 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup milk or cream
1/4 cup butter

For topping, combine ingredients in a small saucepan
and melt them together over low-medium heat.
Bring to a boil while stirring,
and allow to boil for 4 minutes.
Pour topping over warm cake.

Lastly, put the cake pan, with topping, on the upper shelf in the oven,
and broil to let the topping bubble, just for about 1 minute,
or until it turns golden.
Remove from oven and let cool at least partially,
before serving.

Tastes great warm or at room temperature,
with or without creamy vanilla ice cream!

Enjoy your apples this month,
and show us what you've made in the Flickr group.

By the way...
did you notice my mug rug, serving up the apple cake?
It's actually a little bit bigger than a mug rug...

more like a placemat, or a mini quilt.

This little quilt is available for sale here in my eamylove shop on Etsy.
Even the back shows off the elaborate quilting.

{I love the pear green backing, Dandelion Girl by Fig Tree Quilts.}


  1. That looks really good. I want to try that. I love that you use your vintage bowls. I'd be afraid to. haha! I have recipe cards from my grandma, too. And from my great aunt. I treasure them!

  2. Wonderful looking apple cake and I miss my grandmother as well. I think they were all good cooks :)

  3. Mmmm,delicious.Have a great Thanksgiving!

  4. Yummy! All the pictures and the cake! I love the quilting is pretty on your mug rug!


  5. I'm happy that this cake is a favorite for you too. I have this recipe from my mother and the only difference is that I put a little ginger. The new thing for me is the topping. Thank you! I feel closer to you sharing this recipe. Your little quilt is perfect!

  6. This looks so delicious. How lovely to have a hand-written recipe card from your Gran.

  7. I am going to have to try this recipe. I have lots of apples in my freezer calling out to be used in this! :)


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