
November 23, 2012

Anita Little Christmas Tote Bag!

Here we are at the end of November,
the inaugural month of the

{It's never too late to join us!}

Our first project is the Anita Vacation Tote Bag,
which is a pattern of my own design.

Summer days are in the distant past now,
so I decided to make something for winter...
introducing my
"Anita Little Christmas Tote Bag"!

{I crack myself up.}

I had some Christmas fabrics in my stash
from Sheri Berry's "12 Joys of Christmas" line.

The focus fabric has little mugs of Christmas cheer,
saying Joy, Peace and Noel.

{So inviting!  Hot chocolate, anyone?}

I liked the bits of black and white, so I chose another fabric
from my stash to accent that aspect of the feature print.

It was part of a Michael Miller line called Rouge et Noir.

Here is the finished bag, all ready for Christmas shopping!

There's a zippered pocket to keep my money and credit cards secure,
yet easy to find when I'm ready to buy something special.

I have some holiday magazines and catalogs that fit nicely in there...

along with a knitting project.

This will be my comfort and joy tote,
for taking a break or staying occupied at appointments.
I can tuck some special treats away.

Look...I even have a really pretty new Tumbler mug rug 
that was sent all the way Across The Pond from The Patchsmith!

{Thank you, Amanda!}

That's where my Scottish shortbread came from, too!

{Soooooo yummy, and those Flakes are being opened right after the photo shoot!}

It matches my tote, with the same coral and apple green tones!
I LOVE that! 

{Coincidence???  I think not!}


  1. What a great post! I love your new bag and your gifts.

  2. Your bag is just perfect for the holidays!! And I love your mug rug from The Patchsmith!


  3. Another beautiful bag with especially lovely fabric choices :)


I look forward to your comments and will read each and every one, even if I am not able to reply to all of them.