We are closing out our
By now, everyone should be mailing
and receiving their finished pinnies.
As the "swap mama" I had the luxury
of choosing my partner,
and I selected the lovely and talented
Beverly, of golfingbev on Flickr.
Look what came in the mail for me,
courtesy of Beverly!
There is so much goodness in here,
starring the most adorable...
and petite...skinny pinnie,
composed of teeny tiny hexagons!
See that needle book in the background?
It's made to match the pinnie,
from a Nana Company tutorial
that I must try someday soon.
such as Japanese zippers...
There are Japanese sewing and crafting goodies galore
in this little stack of sweetness.
I love each one to bits!
There was something old...vintage feedsacks!
And something new...this handy Seam-Fix
seam ripper with a little thing on top
for picking up the snips of thread.
{Of course I may never need to try that tool, since I'm such a perfect stitcher. Ahem...}
There are more fabric samples, too...
I first noticed Beverly's sewing talents
during the Zakka Along 2.0 Patchwork, Please sew along.
Beverly has a distinctive style,
mixing bits of fabric to create detailed treasures
that leave me breathless.
Check out her photostream, and you will see what I mean!
Beverly's Patchwork Please Apron - Polka Dot Cafe |
{I will be able to trace my new Japanese sewing fixation to this magic moment.}